Add Color to Your Interior Space
If you are looking to add more color to your interior spaces, painting your walls in two colors can be the perfect solution. Two-toned walls can refresh a space, add elegance to a room, or help make a room look bigger. Whether you are starting a new color scheme from scratch or adding a new […]

Maybe Healthcare Won’t Bankrupt the Country After All
Maybe health care won’t bankrupt the country after all. A dramatic slowdown in the growth of health care spending in recent years could be here to stay, according to two studies published Monday by Health Affairs. But whether the deceleration is just a temporary byproduct of the job losses and belt-tightening from the recession or […]

A Tale of Two Cities, Then and Now; Are You Prepared?
What a couple of weeks it has been! I spent some time with the founder of the Canadian National Stock Exchange and had a personal tour of Toronto. As I drove into the city, the number of cranes increased dramatically. Some have indicated that the city currently has over 180 high-rise private projects, many city […]

How Do You Save Old Files?
If you and your business are like the rest of us, you have some old-style hard copy files, some new-style paperless files but mostly, we have some of each. The old-style hard copy files are probably laid out by accounts payable, accounts receivable, contract files, etc. They are much the same way as you have […]

I hope this isn’t too long but, here it is:
I am going to save my planned article for another time. This is not a fun read but I would urge you to continue. As I write this message, I am listening and watching the reports from Boston of the despicable and sick acts of terrorists, domestic or foreign, that have murdered at least two […]

Why Americans Will Pay More Under Obamacare
Upon implementation, a handful of Obamacare provisions will significantly add to the premiums that individuals and families will feel in 2014. These requirements include: Guaranteed Issue and Community Rating: These requirements mandate that all applicants receive a policy and force individuals to pay the same premiums regardless of future anticipated medical expenses. These price controls […]

Be Prepared: That’s the Boy Scout’s Solemn Creed
Today’s message is simple and straight forward. Be prepared in our financial lives. For your benefit, I have attached a questionnaire that you can use to assess your financial state of readiness. In the areas that are weak, seek out the professionals that you work with and address the weakness. So click here and complete […]

Hip Hints to Save Valuable Time
How many e-mails do you receive each day, each week, each month? I receive somewhere between 30 to 50 each and every day. I receive them on my desktop, I receive them on my tablet and I receive them on my cell phone. I have two business e-mail addresses and many of the messages are […]

Hip to Fraud
Are you hip to fraud? Many of us think we are, until it happens to a friend or ourselves. As it happens so often, a couple of times a month these days, I was over at a friend’s home in March and confronted fraud once again. My friend was on the phone with his mother […]

Send Yourself an E-mail
How many times do you meet with a staff member about performance issues and several weeks later the unacceptable practices are continuing. Perhaps they are always 10 to 15 minutes late for work. Perhaps they are not following your procedures. Perhaps they are creating a personality disturbance within the office. Now what do you do. […]

Small Group or Large Group? Doing the Math
I frequently field questions about Health Care Reform and one question I hear employers asking almost every single day is, “Will I have to offer coverage to all of my employees under ACA or face a penalty? “ Well, that’s a good question. And the answer is simply, to know that, first you have to […]

Have You Tapped Your Inner Prophet?
The word Prophet has significant historical meaning. While there are well understood religious meanings, perhaps less understood is the meaning conferred to the leaders of various professions. Prophet comes from the Greek word προφήτης (profétés) which means spokesperson, an advocate. I interviewed the past chairman of the Board of Grubb and Ellis this month. […]