Wrought iron is iron in its rawest form and if left untreated will rust away to nothing!
Most of our ornamental iron work is done with wrought iron because, in its raw form, it is very easy to heat and bend into different positions to create some very ornate forms or structures. Because it is an untreated metal it is very susceptible to rust. When painting or powder coating wrought iron, one […]

They saved $5,100 in taxes for my client, but it cost them $1.25M in Wealth
First the headline… a true story out of the Great State of Texas. Tax diversification is quite important, and how people buy what they buy can have a dramatic impact on wealth creation. So, how did saving $5,100 in taxes cost the client $1.25M? Before I begin, it is critically important that the CPA guides […]

2013 is the Year if the “Do Over”
What did you do in 2012 that you wanted to do differently? What about that meeting you were in charge of. Did it last too long? Did you have a written agenda? Did you accomplish what you wanted? What did you say in 2012 that you thought you could have said better? When you met […]

Penalty for No Obamacare
Can’t get enough of Obamacare’s individual mandate? Get ready for “mandate plus.” The Obama administration always said there was a practical reason it needed the mandate, which starts next year. It wasn’t to be mean to people — it was supposed to pull in enough healthy customers to help pay for all the sick people […]