I want to thank Sherrie for allowing me to do a guest spot on her blog. Sometimes it is not only your home or business that needs a make over. Ever thought about what a makeover on you could do for your business or your personal life?

After an Image Empowering makeover companies have quadrupled their income in less then 90 days. People have even lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks without changing their diet or exercise. Image Empowering helps client attract more customers to increasing revenue, save people time and frustration getting dressed in the am, and can even help you look taller and thinner as well as.

The key to attracting more clients through your image is using color. Color creates confidence. Attractive people are trusted 69% more often. It is important to know what your purpose and power colors are. You will want to wear them to evoke the right emotion when giving a presentation or meeting with a client.

The key to saving time getting dressed is only purchase clothes that are right for your body type. 3 out of 4 women and 1 in every 4 men are dressing wrong for their body type.

The key to looking taller and thinner is using accessories to enhance your shape and distract from challenge areas. Wearing the right clothes with the right accessories can make you look 10lbs lighter.

Live your empowered life by having an image that will save you time, make you feel sexy, handsome or beautiful and attract more business.
Individuals who receive image coaching will improve their image 60% faster and will out perform their competitors by 22%.
Image Empowering has life changing courses with limited seating. Are you ready to save, feel great and attract more clients? Visit our website today for one of our upcoming classes.

Image Empowering, connecting companies to more clients and people to their life through image.