linda-harrisIf you and your business are like the rest of us, you have some old-style hard copy files, some new-style paperless files but mostly, we have some of each. The old-style hard copy files are probably laid out by accounts payable, accounts receivable, contract files, etc.  They are much the same way as you have always done it¹.
How are your new-style paperless files laid out?  Are they set up the same way as the hard copy files?  If this is how you can locate them quickly when you need them, you are doing great.  However, a lot of offices have never determined how to organize paperless files.  There is a good chance each different person in the office has their own system.  If there is more than one person in the office, you really need a common file¹ within your electronic system the same way the old-style filing systems were/are ­ it is your electronic filing cabinet.  One spot for everyone to file into and one spot for everyone to find what they are looking for.
Also, if you happen to become legally involved on a particular contract or vendor, you may need to provide Œevery document¹ pertaining to the dispute. Having everything in one place is imperative to your complaint or defense.

Save time, money and headaches and make sure both old-style hard copy files and new-style paperless files are set up and functioning the way you need them to function.  So, where are you going to file this CalPac newsletter? Keep it in a safe place so you can refer back to it when you need it.

Be safe and good luck.

Linda Harris, CCA
Sounding Board LLC